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Saikat EC 2005-2006

The EC Team

The Executive Committee consisted of the following:

1) Amarnath Gupta

2) Bhaskar Chowdhuri

3) Dipendu Saha

4) Easeeta Roy Choudhury (President Elect)

5) Gautam Bandyopadhaya (Treasurer)

6) Jayanta Laskar

7) KanKan Bhattacharya

8) Krishna Roy

9) Madhu Mondal (General Secretary)

10) Pijush Dewanjee (President)

11) Sharmila Banerjee

12) Sushil Mahata


Jan 16, 2007: Announcement about Saraswati Puja 2007...

Saikat will celebrate it's Saraswati Puja on 3rd. February (Saturday). Puja will start at 9:00 am and will be performed by Kamalendu Ganguly. After the Puja, lunch will be served.

We would also like to have General Body Meeting after lunch. My tenure ends with this Saraswati Puja and it is also the election year. Easeeta will take over as a new President and under her leadership the new EC members will be elected. We will send you the name of the election commissioners. Saikat we would like all the members to participate in the election. To vote one has to the member of Saikat.

Coming back to Saraswati Puja, it will take place at: Creekside Elementary School. ...


Pijush K. Dewanjee (President)

Jan 14, 2007: Saikat participated in FIA program "Celebrating India’s 58th Republic Day"

Dec 16, 2006: Announcement about Saraswati Puja 2007...

Since our Saraswati Puja is soon approaching (first week of Feb) we are looking for 1) Kids program director and 2) women participation in a group dance. 1) For the Kids Program Director interested persons please Contact Sharmila Chatterjee/Banerjee, Amarnath Gupta 2) For participating in the Women Group dance please contact the program director. Sapna Debroy (She needs ~10-12 participants only. It will be based on First Come First Serve basis). Please contact ASAP or before the end of the year so that the rehearsals can start from the 1st weekend of Jan. If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to contact me .

Happy Holidays

Sharmila (Co- Cultural Coordinator)

Oct 14, 2006: Shabda-Da's comments on Saikat's first Durga Puja...

My Dear Pijush :

Congratulations to you, Saikat Executive members and dedicated individuals who have made our very first Durga Puja a grand success. Our first Puja cannot be compared to BASC or Dhakani's first Pujas, we have done a far superior job then them. Me and my wife were there at both of their first Pujas. Our second half of the program was excellent. We both were very tired and wanted to leave after the first dance but we ended staying till the end, because each of the items presented were excellent. Please pass our thanks on to the coordinators who brought this dance troup to our program. I am attaching my speech to this e-mail as we discussed last night. Please put this up in Saikat's web site for the benefit of those that were not present in the audience due to other responsibilities of the Puja celebration they were performing outside of the auditorium. Thank you and the Saikat Executive committee for doing such an excellent job.

Shabda Roy

Oct 6, 2006: Saikat's first-ever Sarbojonin Durga Puja !!!

San Diego's First Durga Puja starts this afternoon (Friday, the 6th of October, 2006) at 4 PM at the Carmel Valley Middle School venue, located at 3800 Mykonos Lane, San Diego, CA 92130. Puja will continue through Saturday (7th of October, 2006) evening.

You are invited. Please come and join the celebration.

Oct 5, 2006: Please have a look at the profile of the artist, Sukalyan Bhattacharya, who will present a variety dance show on Saturday (7th of October) evenning during Saikat's Durga Puja.Thanks, Gautam Bandyopadhyay

Sept 26, 2006: Donation-structure for Durga Pooja

Hello Friends

In the past, members of our community experienced some confusion regarding our donation structure. Because of that, we faced questions during an event. I would like to explain some features. Hopefully, that will remove confusion.

(1) We accept donations from guests. Visitors, friends and family members, coming from far away places, and may be staying with a member in the community, are considered as guests.

(2) People coming from a commuting distance (for example, Los Angeles) and wants to attend an event, will be requested to donate at per day or per event rate.

(3) A person arriving at an event in the morning or in the evening will be requested to donate at per day or per event rate.

(4) Under unusual circumstances, Executive Committee of Saikat reserves the right to make exceptions.

Our donation structure for Durga Pooja event (on 10/06/06 and 10/07/06) is as follows:

For attending 2-day event: Family (with children above 5) $100, Couple $75, Single (professional) $45, Post doc $25, Student and guest $20.

For attending Friday (10/06/06) only: Family $40, Couple $30, Single $20, Post doc $15, Student and guest $10.

For attending Saturday (10/07/06) only: Family $75, Couple $50, Single $30, Post doc $20, Student and guest $15.


Gautam Bandyopadhyay

Treasurer, Saikat

Sept 14, 2006: Update on Durga Puja...

Saikat is getting ready to do it's first Durga Puja in San Diego! As most of you know, the Protima has arrived very successfully. The Protima has passed he clearance of Homeland Security Department's strict requirements with a flying color! We are very excited to go the next step and perform the Puja on 6th. and 7th. of October.

As you all know, doing Durga Puja for two days is a big responsibility and our EC is not big enough to accomplish all! On top of it we lost four key members 1) Madhu Mondal (General Secretary) 2) Krishnalekha Roy (Activity Co-Coordinator) 3) KanKan Bhattacharya and 3) Jayanta Laskar from the current EC due to their job situation. The remaining members are handling their responsibilities!

So, as you can see to do our first Durga Puja successfully we need Volunteers in the areas of:

1) Loading and Unloading of Protima.

2) Mandap Sajja and Decorations. (Avijit is looking for couple of handy persons to help him for the decoration of Protima.)

3) Helping Purohit and his wife during Puja on both Friday and Saturday.

4) Co-ordination of Anjali and distribution of Prasads.

5) Preparing Sandesh and Nadu for the entire Puja.

6) Preparing certain items for Friday Night's Dinner. We will have the "pot-luck" dinner only on Friday night.

7) Distribution of food on Friday Night, Saturday's Lunch and Dinner.

8) Helping the Cultural and Activity Co-ordination part.

9) Collecting Advertisements for the Brochure.

10) General clean up and restoration of Protima.

We have never done Durga Puja before. We are asking for help ahead of time so that we can define our resources in all the areas I mentioned above. Once you agree to volunteer, we will contact you directly. We are looking for volunteers who are committed and are accountable. We will provide all the supports to the volunteers to do their work. Please send your responses by e-mail or by contacting anyone of us.

We are also going to publish a brochure for the Durga Puja event. Dipendu is the editor for the Brochure. We need advertisements for the Brochure. Please send your or your family members articles, writings, and drawings to Dipendu ASAP. Dipendu will e-mail you the rates for the Advertisements for the Brochure, Booths and Stalls etc.

August 30, 2006: Update on Durga Puja...

As you may know, SAIKAT is preparing for this years' community level Durga puja in San diego area (October 6th & 7th, friday & saturday). We want to make this event very successful and we need your help & support for various different activities.


Cultural programs are going to be organized on saturday, 7th. We are inviting artists from out side and there will be several additional programs directed by local artists from san diego area.

Here are the programs under consideration. If you are interested to participate, please contact the program directors immediately.

a) Group dance for girls ages 7-15 yrs

Contact : Soma Mishra Mahasweta Sarkar

b) Solo singers Contact : Sharmila Banerjee

c) Kids talent show Contact : Sharmila Banerjee


We will be publishing a brochure for this event. The brochure will include such items as short essays, poems, anecdotes, short stories, kids drawings etc. Please send your articles/inputs by 23rd september. Contact : Dipendu Saha


Please support SAIKAT by placing your advertizement in the brochure we plan to publish. More than 250 families from greater san diego area are expected join this two-day event. The event will take place at Carmel valley middle school campus.

We will provide you with detail directions to school campus as we get close to the day of the event.

Contact : Dipendu Saha , Pijush Dewanjee , Goutam Bandyopadhyay

Thank you and look forward to having a great response from you.

Best regards.


Madhu Mondal

July 4, 2006: Notification for FIA program in September

On 24th September 2006, the local Indian group - FIA - is organizing a dance program. They are requesting participation from Bengali community with a group dance program. Please let us know if anyone from the community will be willing to organize such a program on behalf SAIKAT.

May 27, 2006: Rabindra/Najrul program

Program : 6:30 - Introduction, 6:35 - opening dance, 6:45 - Poetry recitation, 6:55 - Nazrulgeeti, 7:15 – “Rabindra-bhabanay Naari” a Nritya-Alekhya, 7:45 – Dinner, 9:00 – Basabi Dutta’s program

Venue : Sundance Elementary School 1. Anjali Laho Mor – Opening Dance Debjani Chakrabarty, Indrani Munshi, Swapna DebRoy

2. Poetry Recitation Sumana Chakraborty

3. A Bouquet of Nazrulgeeti Shaswati Hazra

4. A short update on the upcoming Durga Puja Pijush Dewanji

5. “Rabindra Bhabanay Naari” – a Nritya Alekhya Introduction: Amarnath Gupta Narration: Paramita Chatterjee Performers: Debjani Chakrabarty, Indrani Munshi, Swapna DebRoy Light: Avijit Chakrabarty Sound: Shantanu Bose

6. Musical Soiree Vocal Artist: Basabi Dutta Tabla Artist: Hindol Majumdar

MC for the show: Pranab and Soma Mishra

May 7, 2006: Announce of SAIKAT - 2006 DURGA PUJA IN SAN DIEGO

Finally, the dates are out for this years Durga Puja.

October 6th Friday - puja for 4 hrs October 7th Saturday - celebration for the whole day

We have placed order for Durga pratima from Kumartuli. Please visit to check the status of our Durga pratima.

April 8, 2006: Announcement of Rabindra/Najrul program. Our next event is Rabindra/Najrul Smarane. The event is scheduled for 27th May, Saturday (memorial day weekend). You will hear more details about venue in future. Please let us know if you have any ideas/suggestions.

April 2, 2006: Announcement of HOLI CELEBRATION - APRIL 15TH.

Please join us at Kit Carson Park & Sports Facilities to celebrate BASANTA UTSAB & HOLI . As you all know we started to celebrate this funfilled hoilday a few years back . After couple of years of interruptions it is coming back again for popular demand. Parents , please bring WATERGUNS for you children , even for yourself too . There are going to be colours , games ,food & a lot of fun . We are going to serve a POTLUK lunch. For Games the co-ordinators are : GOURI CHAKRAVARTY, SHARMILA BANERJEE; For Food contact: Paramita, Swapna. They are coming up with a menue. We need help in food department . Please call Swapna & Paramita if you want to participate in food preparations . THIS IS A COMMUNITY AFFAIR & NO MONEY IS BEING CHARGED FOR FOOD OR OTHER STUFF . ONLY YOUR WHOLE HEARTED SUPPORT & HELP ARE NEEDED .THE CITY IS CHARGING US A NOMINAL FEE FOR THE PICNIC TABLE & PARKING WHICH IS ALREADY BEING PAID .THANK YOU, ANASUYA PYNE

Feb 2, 2006: Saraswati puja date is now finalized on 25th February, 2006. We are working towards selection of venue which is likely to be an auditorium from Poway unified school district. Unlike previous years we will not have kids talent show this year. We had great response for other (kids) programs from the community so we decided that kids talent show will be part of Durga Puja events, 2006. We will publish annual brochure/magazine during Saraswati Puja time. We are asking the community to submit their works, by FEBRUARY 10TH, 2006. Kids writing preferably within one page -english or Bengali, arts or any other related areas will be considered by our editorial team. Please contact Dipendu Saha. We will have a general body meeting during the day of Saraswati puja. Please let us know if you want to discuss any particular issue in this meeting. Best regards. Sincerely, Madhu Mondal, General secretary -SAIKAT (Later: SARASWATI PUJA, 2006 - Article sumbission date extended to Saturday, February 18)

Dec 21, 2005: Saikat cultural committee has lined up a number of programs for this years Saraswati puja.

Calling for all participants for the following group programs for Saraswati Puja.

1) Program 1: Nursery rhymes/ songs from Antara Choudhuri. Director: Gauri Chakraborty. She will teach about 2 songs to the entire kid’s group. Age group: 5 and above.

2) Program 2: Surprise Kid’s program: Director: Sharmila Banerjee, Nupur Roy and Krishnalekha Roy. Age group: 4 and above (both boys and girls).

3) Program 3: Radha Sen is directing an adult music program. She is looking for adult participants for songs.

Oct 16, 2005: SAIKAT will be organizing Bijoya 2005 program this weekend, SATURDAY, 22nd October. Utpalendu Chowdhury - the noted Bengali singer will perform at this event. Please join us with family and friends. Details of the programs are provided below. Time : 6:00 PM, Venue : Performing Art center, Carmel Valley middle school (Del Mar), 3800 Mykonos Lane, San Diego, CA 92130

Oct 9, 2005: Kali Puja will be celebrated on November 4th, 2005 (5:30 PM - 11:30 PM) at Black Mountain Road Sri Mandir. Mrs. Anusuya Pyne, Mrs. Indrani Dewanjee and others have been organizing this event every year - please find here details of the program from Anusuya's communication to SAIKAT --> "... THIS IS THE 5TH YEAR WE ARE CELEBRATING KALI PUJA IN OUR SRI MANDIR WITH THE HELP FROM ALL OF YOU ,WITH THE MORAL UPPORT FROM SAIKAT & WITH THE GRAND SPONSORSHIP FROM THE MANDIR. MANDIR WELCOMES EVERYBODY . THERE IS NO REQUIREMENT OF DONATION .... BRING FAMILY & FRIENDS. COME ONE - COME ALL WE NEED VOLUNTEERS FOR FOOD, FLOWERS, DECORATION, PRASAD ETC"

Sept 19, 2005: Invitation email of Durga Puja, from Dev-Da...

Dear Friends: This is the sixteenth year we have been blessed with Durgapuja in San Diego. Please join us on this holy occasion and make the Puja a success. Time: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. (Anjali at 12 noon followed by Prasad (lunch). Please be on time since our priest, Kamal Ganguli, has to leave for Los Angeles at 4 p.m. sharp.

Voluntary Tax-deductible Donation: I request that on this Holy Occasion please give generously to help SAIKAT build up an emergency fund to help local community at a time of extreme distress. There will be volunteers to tell you more. I look forward to seeing you and your family on October 15, 2005. Please RSVP to Chandana Sur. Both Chandana and I will be happy to answer any questions.

Sept 11, 2005: SAIKAT cultural committee is in the process of organizing a groupdance "Garba" for the Bijoya Program 2005. We are actively looking for dancers age 21 and above for participation for this particular event.If anyone is interested, please email anyone of the following members. Contact Krishnalekha Roy, Soma Mishra.

Sept 6, 2005 : EC decided to raise funds for Hurricane Katrina victims. The fund will eventually go to American red cross or any such organization. We are requesting you for support and for your contribution towards this drive. Please contribute generously.

Aug 28, 2005 : The Durga Puja will be held on 15th of October,2005 at Mr Dev Purkayastha's (Dev-Da) residence. Also the tentative date for Bijaya Function is 22nd or 29th of October.

Feb 5, 2005: Saraswati Puja Photo Album: Click here

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